duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation
(Latin: to lead, leading; bringing; to take; to draw along or out)
1. An artificial channel for the conveyance or conducting of water from place to place; a conduit; especially, an elevated structure of masonry used for this purpose.
2. A bridgelike structure that carries a water conduit or canal across a valley or over a river.
3. In physiology, a name given to several small canals through which liquids pass, primarily in the heads of mammals.
4. A passage or channel in a body structure or organ.
2. A bridgelike structure that carries a water conduit or canal across a valley or over a river.
3. In physiology, a name given to several small canals through which liquids pass, primarily in the heads of mammals.
4. A passage or channel in a body structure or organ.
In medicine, a tubular passage or channel in a body structure or organ; especially, a channel for the passage of fluid; such as, blood.
The dominion governed by an archduke or archduchess: The Archduchy of Austria was the main territory of the Holy Roman Empire and the center of the Habsburg monarchy.
1. The chief duke: An archduke was formerly the title of the rulers of Austrasia, Lorraine, Brabant, and Austria, being assumed by those of Austria in 1359. Now an archduke is the titular dignity of sons of the Emperor of Austria.
2. Etymology: from Latin arch-, "chief" or "highest ranking" + dux, genitive of ducis, "leader, commander"; from ducere, "to lead".
2. Etymology: from Latin arch-, "chief" or "highest ranking" + dux, genitive of ducis, "leader, commander"; from ducere, "to lead".
A sovereign prince of the imperial family of Austria.
An instrument to assess the electrical conductivity of ocean water at various depths from a moving ship: While traveling on the ocean liner, the specialist used a bathyconductograph to get the results he needed for his project at the university.
caliduct, caleduct (noun); caliducts, caleducts
A pipe for the conveyance of heat by means of steam, hot water, or air; used by the ancient Romans for the distribution of warmth to several remote parts of their houses, from one common furnace.
During the Roman times, the process of using a pipe or canal to convey heat from a furnace to the various apartments of a house.
A tube or channel for the spreading of heat to different places in a living quarters.
circumduct (verb), circumducts; circumducted; circumducting
In a general sense, to lead or to move around an axis.
1. The action of leading around or about; a roundabout or circuitous course.
2. An active or passive rotation of a limb or eye, particularly the swinging of an arm or leg in a conical figure, with the joint of the limb as the base of the cone.
2. An active or passive rotation of a limb or eye, particularly the swinging of an arm or leg in a conical figure, with the joint of the limb as the base of the cone.
classical education
1. Characteristic of a form or system felt to be of first significance before modern times.
2. A recognized authority or excellence.
3. Relating or belonging to the ancient Greeks or Romans or their cultures; such as, classical literature or a classical scholar.
4. In the style of ancient Greece or Rome, especially in architecture.
5. A reference to music that is considered serious or intellectual and is usually written in a traditional or formal style; which is opposed to such genres as pop, rock, and folk music.
6. A description of the style of music composed in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.
7. Consisting of or involving the study of the ancient Greek and Latin languages and literature; such as, a classical education.
2. A recognized authority or excellence.
3. Relating or belonging to the ancient Greeks or Romans or their cultures; such as, classical literature or a classical scholar.
4. In the style of ancient Greece or Rome, especially in architecture.
5. A reference to music that is considered serious or intellectual and is usually written in a traditional or formal style; which is opposed to such genres as pop, rock, and folk music.
6. A description of the style of music composed in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.
7. Consisting of or involving the study of the ancient Greek and Latin languages and literature; such as, a classical education.
coeducation, co-education (s) (noun); coeducations, co-educations
The activity of students who are leaning consists of both genders or including both males and females or boys and girls: The coeducation that Tom and Mary received was at the same school which was noted for its excellent teaching by the instructors.
1. To lead or tend towards (a result); to aid in bringing about, contribute to, make for, further, promote, subserve.
2. To lead or contribute to a result (usually followed by "to" or "toward"): "She had qualities that conduce to success."
2. To lead or contribute to a result (usually followed by "to" or "toward"): "She had qualities that conduce to success."
conducive (adjective), more conducive, most conducive
A reference to anything that makes it easy, possible, favorable, or likely for something to happen, or to exist; whether good or bad: The term conducive is a modifier that is usually followed by "to" and which does not appear before a noun.

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Most schools strive to create an atmosphere which is conducive to learning.
Good eating habits are conducive to better health.
There are many times when the hot and dry weather in California is conducive to severe forest and brush fires.
Soil and good weather conditions are conducive to the successful growing of crops by farmers; however, bad soil and unfavorable weather situations are obviously conducive to crop failures.